An ITER vacuum vessel support is subject to forces in two directions and to moments in three directions.
The worst case loads are caused Vertical Disruption Events and are in the MN / MNm range.
The experimental verification of the design has been performed using scaled down (1:3) mock-up built by KRP.
For the test, the operational load cases have been transformed to test load cases in such a way that they could be realized with only a 2-axis load introduction. The additional moment loads are considered by applying appropriate offsets to the load introduction points.
A test set-up for loads up to 5.6MN (560t) in the first axis and 2.0MN (200t) in the seconds axis has been developed and manufactured
The measurement equipment include ~ 100 stran gauges and ~10 displacement sensors
Permanent deformations have been evaluated using a coordinate measuring machine.
The measured strain levels were used for the verification of corresponding FE models as well as for the definition of manufacturing tolerances for the ITER vacuum vessel support
Project details
Core competencies: Fusion Research Program: ITER Customers: National Fusion Research Institute Korea (NFRI), ITER Korea (KODA)