FEM analyses of the waveguides for MetOp-SG (Meteorological Operational Satellite - Second Generation)

 Home / Projects / Space / FEM analyses of the waveguides for MetOp-SG (Meteorological Operational Satellite - Second Generation)
FE model - complete system
FE model - complete system

FE model - waveguide-section
FE model - waveguide-section

  • Structural integrity assessment of the waveguide system on MetOp-SG Satellite via FEM (Nastran)
  • Setup of a beam model for global deformations and global modal analyses
  • Calculation of the mounting bracket’s and connection’s stiffness by means of shell and solid models as input for the global model
  • Setup of a detailed shell model with shell-solid coupling of a typical waveguide section which will be subjected to vibration testing
  • Test prediction for vibration test model: modal, sine, random and quasi-static loads (QSL)

Project details

Core competencies: Space
Customers: AIRBUS Defence & Space

KRP Mechatec GmbH is an engineering services provider specialized in structural tests and analyses in the field of space, aviation, experimental research and other high-tech industries, certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

KRP Mechatec GmbH
Boltzmannstr. 2
85748 Garching
+49 (0)151 1461 2442
+49 (0)8131 505 331

Certifikate ISO 9001:2015