- General thermal testing, thermal cycling tests as well as environmental tests for components and materials
- Capable test-infrastructure enables a broad test spectrum:
- Temperature range (standard): -150°C … 200°C (LN2 cooling)
- Temperature range (low): 20K … 200°C (LHe cooling and LN2 cooling)
- High gradients >70K/min possible
- Very low gradients <1K/min possible
- High cycle numbers (>10000)
- Thermal aging tests including humidity control (combined humidity and thermal cycling
- Measurement systems:
- High number of temperature sensors possible
- In-situ elektrical measurements for functionality tests during thermal cycling
- Flexible, custom specific adaptation of measurment system possible
- Specification of thermal-chambers:
- Different chambers
- Cooling : LN2 (-196°C / 77K) orLHe (-269°C / 4K)
- Heating: electrical, >25kW
- Tests in Nitorigen or Helium atmosphere
- Flexible control algorithms for realizing any customer specific temperature profiles
- Customer specific modification of test chambers
- Installation of local heaters for optimizing temperature distribution
- Design and manufacturing of guide vanes for optimizing air stream around the specimen and thus temperaure homogenity
- Applicable test standards:
- ECSS-Q-ST-70-04: Space product
assurance - Thermal testing for the evaluation of space materials, processes, mechanical parts and assemblies - ECSS-E-10-03: Space engineering - Testing
- ECSS-Q-ST-70-04: Space product
- References: