Experimental Thermal Investigation of ITER Bolometer Camera

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Design of the test setup for the thermal load test of the ITER Bolometers (CAD)
Design of the test setup for the thermal load test of the ITER Bolometers (CAD)

Test setup for the thermal load test of the ITER Bolometers (CAD)
Test setup for the thermal load test of the ITER Bolometers (CAD)

Test prediction by FE analysis
Test prediction by FE analysis

  • Bolometer cameras are subject to significant thermal loads induced by nuclear heating as well as radiation (collimator area)
  • The heat transfer to the vacuum vessel wall (acting as heat sink) has decisive influence on the temperatures in the Bolometer camera and thus its expected life span and sensor performance
  • FE analyses showed the high sensitivity of the sensor temperatures on the thermal contact conductivity towards the vessel wall as well as between the different camera components
  • For the verification of the used FE model, an experiment has been set up for the complete Bolometer camera for investigating and verifying the thermal contact conductivities
  • The results of the experiments showed a good agreement with the FE analyses with respect to temperatures and temperature distribution. Thus the quality and accuracy of the FE model (and the applied thermal contact conductivity parameters) has been verified successfully.
  • The verified FE model can now be applied to further thermal load cases with a high degree of confidence

Project details

Core competencies: Fusion Research
Program: ITER
Customers: IPP

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